Read these 8 Family History Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Family tips and hundreds of other topics.
To preserve your treasured family memories consider buying a video camera to record special events such as birthdays and holidays.
Make a day in the life of your family scrapbook. Take photos of one day in your family's life and go to a one hour photo developer. Then make it a family night and let everyone help put the book together.
Create theme scrapbooks that focus on one theme at a time such as a family vacation. Include photos and other trip memorabilia to make the book unique.
When having photos developed get a second set and use those for projects such as photo placemats. Get archival paper and create a collage from the photos, then laminate the collage and use as a placemat!
Use archival quality scrapbooks to preserve written memorabilia. Also use a deacidification spray on newspaper clippings to retard yellowing of the paper.
Frame and display a color photocopy of an ancestor's photograph instead of the original which will fade in the sunlight.
Save your digital photos on CD and use photo editing programs to create CD scrapbooks.
Go through your piles of photographs. Create piles for good and bad. Toss the bad, share the duplicates with friends and family. Buy some acid-free photo boxes or albums and spend 1/2 hour a week organizing the rest.