In the Kitchen Tips

Read these 7 In the Kitchen Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Family tips and hundreds of other topics.

In the Kitchen Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 216 ratings and 1 user reviews.
What are some good cooking tips?


If a recipe calls for sifting dry ingredients, you
can stir them together with a whisk instead.

What are some good cooking tips?

Cookie Cutters

Dip cookie cutters in flour to get a clean cut.

What are some good cooking tips?

Easy Clean Up

When you are measuring shortening, line the cup with
plastic wrap before you fill it. Remove the wrap with
shortening and the cup will remain clean.

How do I save time in the kitchen?

Silver Polishing

Avoid having to polish silver-coated or plated items
by using them as often as possible and washing them by
hand to prevent tarnishing.

What are some good cooking tips?

Baking Sheets

If you don't have enough baking sheets, turn a baking
pan upside down and use it instead.

What are some good cooking tips?

Lemonade Ice

When making lemonade take some of the lemonade and
freeze it in ice cube trays. That way when you add ice
to your lemonade and it starts to melt it won't dilute
the taste.

What are some good cooking tips?

Easy Clean Up

To avoid having to scrape sticky residue from a cup
when measuring honey or molasses, coat the cup with
a nonstick spray first.

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Guru Spotlight
Candi Wingate